Registration form for Diploma in Climate Change

To register for the Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Climate Change, this online registration form must be completed. The form must identify the courses students would like to take in fulfillment of the GDip requirements. Students will receive confirmation from the program director.

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Please indicate the elective course that you are interested in taking from the pre-approved list below. Please choose one that is from outside of your discipline, preferably outside of your home Faculty

Changes can be made to your selection at any time. Please note that some courses have pre-requisites.

*These special topics courses may not always be available. 

Business and Climate Change
Climate Prediction, Modeling and Scenarios
Climate Data and Analytics
Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction
Land Use and the Carbon Cycle
Climate Change Governance: From Global Treaties to Local Innovation
Climate Resilient Canadians and Health Systems
Climate Change and Community Planning
Carbon Accounting and Management
Climate Justice
Climate Change Special Topics: Climate Services
Climate Change Special Topics: Climate Interventions
Governing a World in Climate Crisis
Environmental & Climate History, Premodern
Transnational and Global History: Old Problems and New Directions
Climate Change Economics
Energy Effective Design
The Science of the Building Envelope
Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Operation and Control of Future Integrated Energy Systems
Topics in Probability and Statistics: A Quantitative Approach to Sustainable Finance
Public Health and the Environment