Winter 2025 Course Outlines

Winter 2025 Course Outlines

Code Title Outline
First Year
GEOG 101 Human Geographies GEOG 101 Outline

GEOG 102

Global Environmental Systems GEOG 102 Outline
GEOG 181 Designing Effective Maps GEOG 181 Outline
Second Year
GEOG 202 Geography of Global Economy GEOG 202 Outline
GEOG 207 Climate Change Fundamentals GEOG 207 Outline
GEOG 209 Hydroclimatology GEOG 209 Outline
GEOG 219 How Pandemics Change the World GEOG 219 Outline
GEOG 281 Introduction to GIS GEOG 281 Outline
Third Year
AVIA 310 Human Factors in Aviation AVIA 310 Outline
AVIA 374  Special Topics in Aviation AVIA 374 W25 Outline
GEOG 306 Human Dimensions of Natural Hazards GEOG 306 Outline
GEOG 307 Societal Adaption to Climate Change GEOG 307 Outline
GEOG 309 Physical Climatology GEOG 309 Outline
GEOG 314 Climate Services GEOG 314 Outline
GEOG 318 Spatial Analysis GEOG 318 Outline
GEOG 320 The Cryosphere GEOG 320 Outline
GEOG 323 Tourism Impacts - International Perspectives GEOG 323 Outline
GEOG 325 Geographies of Health GEOG 325 Outline
GEOG 368 Conservation/Resource Management of the Built Environment GEOG 368 Outline
GEOG 371 Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques GEOG 371 Outline
GEOG 381 Advanced GIS GEOG 381 Outline
GEOG 391 Field Research GEOG 391 Outline
Fourth Year
AVIA 417 Aviation Safety AVIA 417 Outline
GEOG 405 Wetlands GEOG 405 Outline
GEOG 407 Environmental Hydrology of Terrestrial Ecosystems GEOG 407 Outline
GEOG 414 Climate Justice GEOG 414 Outline
GEOG 416 Aviation Sustainability GEOG 416 Outline
GEOG 417 Climate Change Communication GEOG 417 Outline
GEOG 420 Ice Sheets and Glaciers GEOG 420 Outline
GEOG 423 Sustainable Tourism GEOG 423 Outline
GEOG 432 Health Environment & Planning GEOG 432 Outline
GEOG 452 Climate Change and Environment Project GEOG 452 Outline
GEOG 456 Transforming Canadian Resource Management GEOG 456 Outline
GEOG 457 Wildfire and Landscape Change GEOG 457 Outline
GEOG 471 Remote Sensing Project GEOG 471 Outline
GEOG 474 Special Topics in Geography

GEOG 474 W25 Outline

GEOG 481 GIS Project GEOG 481 Outline
GEOG 487 Management Issues in Geographic Info Systems GEOG 487 Outline
GEOG 490A Honours Thesis Preparation GEOG 490A/GEOG 490B Outline
GEOG 490B Honours Thesis Completion GEOG 490A/GEOG 490B Outline