Karl suss ACS 200 cluster tool and photoresist coater

Karl Suss ACS 200 Cluster Tool and Photoresist Coater

The SUSS ACS 200 semiconductor processing cluster is a compact wafer track system for high-throughput photolithography in a pilot production environment. It is capable of processing silicon, glass, or other standard wafers up to 6” diameter (round) or 6” side (square).

The standard modules available include:

  1. Spin coat modules for applying photoresist films on substrates
  2. HCV modules for hot plate, cold plate, and vapor prime processes
  3. Cassette stations for wafer input and output
  4. Developer modules for applying developers to wafers
  5. Material handling unit for transferring wafers between process stations via a robotic arm
  6. A computer with LCD screen for providing the graphical user interface to design and monitor the process flow

A separate mask alignment system, such as MJB3 or MA6 mask aligner, is required for performing UV exposure and mask alignment on substrates.

Find out the cost to use the Karl suss ACS200 cluster tool.

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