Awards database: search results

Our Awards Database helps current and future Waterloo graduate students to identify funding opportunities. Details on awards, bursaries and other scholarships administered through Waterloo are found within. Students are advised to check the database often as changes to award information including eligibility criteria, award value, application process, deadlines and the availability of funds can occur at any time.

It is strongly recommended that you use quotations around key words of two or more in order to generate accurate results, e.g. use “day care bursary” instead of day care bursary.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 166

Alumni Relations recognizes top graduating students for academic achievement, by awarding the Alumni Gold Medal at convocation.  The individually crafted 24-carat gold-plated medal is embossed...

The Biman family has established this gradate scholarship to honour the memory of their son and brother Aapoolcoyuz Biman BASc. 1991. A graduate of Electrical and Computer Engineering with an...

ACM established the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award program to recognize and encourage superior research and writing by...

A scholarship, valued at $1,500, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering. Selection...

The scholarship, valued at up to $20,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student registered in the Faculty of Engineering. The scholarship will be awarded...

An entrance scholarship, valued at up to $5000, will be awarded annually to an international graduate student registered full-time in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the...

The Amit & Meena Chakma Awards for Exceptional Teaching by a Student were established through a generous gift by Dr. and Mrs. Chakma to recognize and promote teaching excellence of our next...

A prize, with a value of at least $500, will be awarded annually to a graduate or undergraduate student registered full time in any program at the University of Waterloo.  Selection will be based...

There are several awards created by various donors to provide funds to assist Architecture students at the University of Waterloo. Some examples of these include:

  • M1 Studio Design...

A scholarship valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the Master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of...

An award valued at $1500, will be provided annually to a graduate student who had previously been living in India. The student must be registered full time in the first year of a research-based...

Scholarships valued at $5,000 each will be awarded each term to graduate students registered full time in a doctoral program in any department or Faculty at the University of Waterloo. Interested...

A scholarship, valued at $10,000, will be awarded annually to a student who will be entering and be registered full time in a master’s or doctoral program in the Department of Electrical and...

Scholarships, valued at $50,000 will be provided to graduate students who will be registered full time in a course-based or research-based master’s program in the Faculty of Engineering. The award...

The CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards (DDA) recognize Canadian doctoral dissertations that make unusually significant and original contributions to their academic field. They were...

The value placed on this award will be the equivalent of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's  Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral...

A scholarship, valued at $2,000 will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full time in any master's or doctoral program at the University of Waterloo. Graduate Studies and...

An award, valued at approximately $1,500 will be provided annually to a graduate student registered full time in a course-based Master's degree program in the Department of Management Sciences in...

The Certificate in University Teaching (CUT) Award is given annually to a graduate student who shows a strong commitment to their development as a university teacher and demonstrates the highest...

This award was established by Dr. and Mrs. Park M. Reilly to recognize skill in research as measured by analysis of an engineering problem, planning an efficient solution of the problem and...

Several scholarships valued between $5,000 and $20,000 may be provided annually to graduate students registered full time in the Master of Business and Entrepreneurships and Technology (MBET)...

Several awards, valued at $250 each, will be provided to undergraduate and/or graduate students who have successfully completed CROAT 101 or CROAT 102 in the Department of Germanic and Slavic...

Travel funds, valued at up to $1,500, are available for undergraduate and/or graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo who participate in a recognized Croatian language or...

One scholarship, valued at $15,000, will be provided annually to a female graduate student registered full time in the Master’s or Doctoral program in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics...

Scholarships valued at $10,000/year for one year, with an opportunity for renewal, will be awarded annually to graduate students registered full-time in a research-based program at the University...
