Heat bath algorithmic cooling with thermal operations

Monday, February 11, 2019 2:30 pm - 2:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Alvaro Alhambra, Perimeter Institute

Heat-Bath Algorithmic Cooling is a technique for producing pure quantum systems by utilizing a surrounding heat-bath. Here we connect the study of these cooling techniques to the resource theory of athermality, enabling us to derive provably optimal cooling protocols under a variety of experimental restrictions on the available control. For qubit systems, we find that a surprisingly simple, optimal protocol consisting of repeated application of a Pauli X unitary and a thermal operation can achieve purity converging exponentially quickly to one. What is more, this thermal operation can be well approximated using a Jaynes Cummings interaction between the system and a single thermal bosonic mode and we consider experimental implementations of this. In addition, we investigate the role of quantum coherence and non-Markovianity in cooling protocols and extend our results to any finite-dimensional system. To this end, we find technical results of independent interest, such as a thermal version of the Schur-Horn theorem.

Our results serve to find practical applications for the resource theoretic approach to quantum thermodynamics and suggest relevant experimental implementations.