Layla Hormozi, National University of Ireland
A topological quantum computer is a hypothetical device in which intrinsic fault-tolerance is embedded in the hardware of the quantum computer. It is envisioned that in these devices quantum information will be stored in certain topologically ordered states of matter and quantum computation will be carried out by braiding the world-lines of quasiparticle excitations that obey non-Abelian statistics, around one another, in specific patterns. Certain fractional quantum Hall states are among the prime candidates for topologically ordered phases with quasiparticles that can be used for topological quantum computation. I will review some of the properties of these states, and describe a method for finding braiding patterns, which can be used to carry out a universal set of quantum gates on encoded qubits, based on quasiparticles that can be realized as excitations of the Read-Rezayi series of fractional quantum Hall states. I will also briefly mention some of my recent work on realization of multi-component fractional quantum Hall states in lattice systems.