IQC Student Seminar Featuring Alexander Frei

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Fermionic encodings: BK Superfast, ternary trees, and even fermionic encodings

We give an introduction to fermionic encoding schemes applicable in the context of quantum simulation of fermionic systems in condensed matter physics, lattice gauge theories, and in quantum chemistry.
For this we will focus on the circuit depth overhead for a variety of constructions of fermionic encodings, more precisely in terms of their weight given by the choice of encoding within the Pauli group, and as such also in terms of their circuit depth due to multi-qubit rotation gates.
In particular we will introduce the Fenwick tree encoding due to Bravyi and Kitaev, as well as an optimal all-to-all encoding scheme in terms of ternary trees due to Jiang et al, and put those in perspective with the well-known fermionic encoding given by the Jordan-Wigner transformation. Such encoding schemes of fermionic systems with all-to-all connectivity become relevant especially in the context of molecular simulation in quantum chemistry.
We then further discuss the encoding of the algebra of even fermionic operators, which becomes particularly handy in the estimation of ground state energies for complex materials and their phase transitions in condensed matter physics.
In particular, we will introduce here the so-called Bravyi--Kitaev superfast encoding for the algebra of even fermionic operators, as well as the compact encoding due to Klassen and Derby as a particular variant thereof. These encoding schemes require the further use of stabilizer subspaces and so of fault-tolerant encoding schemes for their practical implementation for the purpose of quantum simulation. We then finish with a further improvement, the so-called supercompact encoding, due to Chen and Xu. In particular, we will focus here on its code parameters (more precisely its encoding rate and code distance) and put those in perspective with the previous compact encoding due to Klassen and Derby.
This talk is meant as an expository talk on available encoding schemes for fermionic systems, together with their best practices for the purpose of quantum simulations.

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