IQC Student Seminar featuring Jie Lin

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Security analysis of quantum key distribution: Methods and applications

Quantum key distribution (QKD) can be proved to be secure by laws of quantum mechanics. In this talk, we start with a discussion on security proof methods in Renner's framework and discuss numerical methods to calculate asymptotic key rates. We then discuss the asymptotic security analyses of two interesting protocols: phase-matching measurement-device-independent QKD and discrete-modulated continuous-variable (DMCV) QKD. The first protocol is interesting due to its ability to overcome the repeaterless secret key capacity bound. Its proof is a special case of our optimization problem, which we can solve analytically. The second protocol is attractive because it uses similar devices as the classical telecommunication method and thus can be a cost-effective solution to quantum-safe cryptography. We will discuss several recent progresses in the security proof of this DMCVQKD protocol.


[1] R. Renner, Security of Quantum Key Distribution, Ph.D. thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (2005), arXiv:quant-ph/0512258

[2] A. Winick, N. Lütkenhaus, and P. J. Coles, Reliable Numerical Key Rates for Quantum Key Distribution, Quantum 2, 77 (2018).

[3] J. Lin and N. Lütkenhaus, Simple Security Analysis of Phase-Matching Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution, Phys. Rev. A 98, 042332 (2018).

[4] J. Lin, T. Upadhyaya, and N. Lütkenhaus, Asymptotic Security Analysis of Discrete-Modulated Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution, Phys. Rev. X 9, 041064 (2019).

[5] J. Lin and N. Lütkenhaus, Trusted Detector Noise Analysis for Discrete ModulationSchemes of Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 064030 (2020).

[6] T. Upadhyaya, T. van Himbeeck, J. Lin, and N. Lütkenhaus, Dimension Reduction in Quantum Key Distribution for Continuous- and Discrete-Variable Protocols, PRX Quantum 2, 020325 (2021).

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