Simulating the Anisotropic XY-model on a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
The quantum XY-model is a model of interacting spins on a lattice where the interaction energy comes from the spins interacting along their X and Y components. It is an important theoretical model in condensed matter physics due to it's application in understanding exotic quantum phases of matter such as spin liquids and also understanding of phenomenon such as superconductivity and superfluidity. Such quantum models have very rich dynamics and studying these on a classical computer becomes intractable even for more than a few 10s of spins.
Quantum simulation, i.e. mimicking the dynamics of a quantum system we wish to study using another programmable quantum system, is a very powerful tool to study such complex models in physics. Among the most powerful platforms for quantum computation and simulation is a system of trapped atomic ions. Low decoherence and inherent full-connectivity makes this platform ideal for simulating many body interacting spin systems.
In this talk I will discuss our recent theoretical proposal [1] for analog quantum simulation of the anisotropic XY-model with individual programmable control over the interactions along the X and Y components of the spin. The validation of the scheme with a proof of principle experimental demonstration is also presented.
References: [1] Kotibhaskar, N., Shih, C.-Y., Motlakunta, S., Vogliano, A., Hahn, L., Chen, Y.-T., & Islam, R. (2024). Programmable XY-type couplings through parallel spin-dependent forces on the same trapped ion motional modes. Physical Review Research, 6(3), 033038.
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