Simon Nigg: Stabilizer quantum error correction toolbox for superconducting qubits

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Simon Nigg, Yale University


Superconducting circuits composed of Josephson Junctions and resonators form an interesting architecture for quantum information processing. The coherence times of these systems are approaching the predicted requirements for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Rudimentary quantum error correction (QEC) has recently been achieved in such a system [1]. Realization of
topological protection and QEC based on stabilizer codes will require
protocols for QND measurement of multi-qubit Pauli operators on
arbitrary selected subsets of qubits. Initial progress towards this
goal has been achieved with four-qubit stabilizer pumping in a trapped
ion system [2]. I will present a general protocol for stabilizer measurement in a system of $N$ superconducting qubits dispersively coupled to a single mode of a resonator.

[1] M. D. Reed et al., Realization of three-qubit quantum error correction with superconducting circuits, Nature 2012, 482
[2] J. T. Barreiro et al., An open-system quantum simulator with trapped ions, Nature 2011, 470