Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:00 pm
4:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)
Stories of a Yale Professor turned Entrepreneur, turned Environmental Activist - what next?
Featured Speaker: Dr. Ron Dembo
Founder and CEO, Zerofootprint, Founder and former CEO, Algorithmics Incorporated

I thought I would be a professor and researcher all my life until serendipitously I landed up at the helm of a large company operating worldwide. What did I learn during this journey? How do I see it now, reflecting back? What advice can I give you all if you are heading in this direction?
This Special Lecture serves to complement the ongoing CryptoWorks21 IP Management Lunch and Learn Lecture Series.
Tuesday, March 27
QNC 0101
RSVP is optional, yet strongly encouraged to ensure appropriate room capacity and refreshments.