Tzu Chieh Wei: Valence-bond ground states of isotropic quantum antiferromagnets for universal quantum computation
Tzu Chieh Wei, University of British Columbia
Tzu Chieh Wei, University of British Columbia
Don Eigler, IBM
Classical Computation in Quantum Spin Structures
Can we design, build and operate atomic-scale logic circuits that perform conventional binary computation using only the spin degree of freedom?
Cristopher Moore, University of New Mexico
Since Shor's algorithm breaks RSA cryptography, it makes sense to look for post-quantum cryptosystems: cryptosystems that can be carried out with classical computers today, but which will remain secure even if and when quantum computers are built.
Matthew Leifer, University College London
Sophie Schirmer, University of Cambridge
I will cover the basics in terms of the control objectives and algorithms, details about the implementation, and recent results about the convergence behaviour, control landscape, and field characteristics and similarities and differences we see in Markovian vs Non-Markovian systems.
Part of a MITACS seminar series
Sophie Schirmer, University of Cambridge
Norbert Schuch, California Institute of Technology
Dr. Graeme Smith, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Fabien Boitier, L'École Polytechnique