Alexander Rimberg: A Macroscopic Mechanical Resonator Driven by Mesoscopic Electrical Backaction
Alexander Rimberg, Dartmouth
Alexander Rimberg, Dartmouth
Jonas Bylander, Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT)
Irfan Siddiqi, University of California, Berkeley
Maris Ozols, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Mauro Paternostro, Queen's University Belfast
Marc Kaplan, Université de Montréal
Ansis Rosmanis, IQC
We examine the fixed space of positive trace preserving and completely
positive trace preserving super-operators. We describe what form the
fixed space of a completely positive trace preserving super-operator
must take, what dimensions this space may have, and what the
projection onto it must look like.
Undergraduate School on Experimental Quantum Information Processing
Birgitta Whaley, University of California, Berkeley
Roger Colbeck, Perimeter Institute