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Thursday, April 11, 2024 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Breaking ergodicity: quantum scars, quantum many-body scars and regular eigenstates

IQC Special Colloquium - Ceren B. Dag Harvard University

Quantum-Nano Centre, 200 University Ave West, Room QNC 0101 Waterloo, ON CA N2L 3G1

Quantum many-body scars (QMBS) consist of a few low-entropy eigenstates in an otherwise chaotic many-body spectrum and can weakly break ergodicity resulting in robust oscillatory dynamics. The notion of QMBS follows the original single-particle scars introduced within the context of quantum billiards, where scarring manifests in the form of a quantum eigenstate concentrating around an underlying classical unstable periodic orbit. A direct connection between these notions remains an outstanding question. Here, I will first show that a spinor condensate, owing to its collective interactions, is amenable to the diagnostics of scars. We characterize this system's rich dynamics, spectrum, and phase space, consisting of both regular and chaotic states. The former are low in entropy, violate the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, and can be traced back to integrable effective Hamiltonians, whereas most of the latter are scarred by the underlying classical unstable periodic orbits, while satisfying Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis. I will exhibit evidence on how the existing QMBS in the literature are akin to the regular states, rather than the quantum scars. Then I will move on to introduce a spatially many-body model with a mean-field limit by decreasing the range of the interactions. Remarkably, we find that unstable periodic orbits affect the early-time many-body dynamics giving rise to a new type of QMBS. I will classify the QMBS in two main classes, discuss their distinct properties, and show how both QMBS states show up in our model in different parameter regimes. This talk aims (i) to clarify the connection of QMBS to quantum scars and regular eigenstates, and (ii) illustrate the fundamental principle of classical-quantum correspondence in a many-body system, and its current limitations.

IQC Seminar - Zohreh Davoudi, University of Maryland

Quantum-Nano Centre, 200 University Ave West, Room QNC 1201 Waterloo, ON CA N2L 3G1

Quantum computing gauge theories of relevance to Nature requires a range of theoretical and algorithmic developments to make simulations amenable in the near and far terms. With a focus on the SU(2) lattice gauge theory with matter, I will motivate the need for efficient theoretical formulations, introduce general quantum algorithms that can simulate them efficiently, and discuss strategies for analyzing the required quantum resources accurately. These considerations will be of relevance to simulating other gauge theories of increasing complexity, including quantum chromodynamics.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Open Quantum Computing, One Atom at a Time

Rajibul Islam
Faculty, Institute for Quantum Computing
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo
Co-founder, Open Quantum Design

Quantum-Nano Centre, 200 University Ave West, Room QNC 0101 Waterloo, ON CA N2L 3G1

Quantum computing promises to advance our computational abilities significantly in many high-impact research areas. In this period of rapid development, the experimental capabilities needed to build quantum computing devices and prototypes are highly specialized and often difficult to access. In this public talk, we'll discuss how to build quantum computing devices one atom a time using the ion-trap approach. We'll show how we build quantum bits out of individually isolated atoms, explore how we use them to simulate other complex systems, and showcase how we're building open-access hardware to advance research in this exciting field.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - Friday, May 10, 2024 (all day)

IQC-PCQT Workshop

This workshop is centred around quantum computer science and brings together researchers in Canada and France, especially from IQC and the Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies. It aims to review the latest developments in the field while strengthening existing ties between the two communities and fostering new ones.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Thursday, May 16, 2024 (all day)

ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference 2024

ETSI and the Institute for Quantum Computing are pleased to announce the 10th ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference, taking place in Singapore on May 14-16, 2024. The event will be hosted by the Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore.

This event was designed for members of the business, government, and research communities with a stake in cryptographic standardization to facilitate the knowledge exchange and collaboration required to transition cyber infrastructures and business practices to make them safe in an era with quantum computers. It aims to showcase both the most recent developments from industry and government and cutting-edge potential solutions coming out of the most recent research.

Thursday, May 16, 2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

Long-lived transmons with different electrode layouts

IQC Seminar - Universty of Maryland

Quantum-Nano Centre, 200 University Ave West, Room QNC 1201 Waterloo, ON CA N2L 3G1

 In the realm of quantum computing,non-equilibrium quasiparticle tunneling may be a significant loss mechanism in transmon qubits. Understanding the behavior of these quasiparticles across junctions may lead to improved qubit devices . One approach involves the fabrication of asymmetric transmons through gap-engineering techniques aimed at mitigating quasiparticle tunneling and subsequent loss. In our research, we have conducted repeated measurements of the relaxation time (T1) in Al/AlOx/Al transmons featuring electrodes with varying superconducting gap values. Specifically, one device utilized a first-layer electrode formed via thermal evaporation of nominally pure Al, while the counter-electrode incorporated oxygen-doped Al. This device exhibited notable fluctuations in T1, ranging from approximately 100 μs to slightly over 300 μs at 20 mK. Additionally, we explored different configurations of junction layouts in an effort to enhance device performance.