QSYS 2025 Application

  1. Personal and contact information
  2. QSYS application
  3. Complete
What grade are you in?
Enter the highest grade you have completed; for example, if you start Grade 12 in September, enter Grade 11. If you have started undergraduate studies or have not yet started high school, you are not eligible for QSYS.
Full name of the school you most recently attended.
Optional. This can also include gender expression as it relates to your gender identity, such as: Female, Male, Non-Binary, Transgender Female, Transgender Male etc.
Do you identify as Indigenous?
This includes First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuit
Do you identify as a person with a disability?

A person with a disability (or disabilities) is a person who may find spaces inaccessible due to barriers in a variety of spheres including:

Physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric, learning or other areas. Disabilities may be visible or non-visible, and may change over time.

It includes individuals who:

  1. Consider themselves to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment

  2. Believe that an employer or potential employer is likely to consider them to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment;

  3. Include persons whose functional limitations owing to their impairment have been accommodated in their current job or workplace.

Do you identify as a member of a visible minority?
Visible minority includes persons who are non-Caucasian in race, non-white in colour, or identify as a visible minority and who do not report being Indigenous. This can include race or ethnicity. Examples of this may include: Black, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, South Asian or East Indian, Southeast Asian, West African, North African or Arab, Latin American, person of mixed origin (with one parent in one of the visible minority groups in this list), or other visible minority group.