CACR-IQC Workshop on Quantum Cryptography

Monday, March 26, 2007

The purpose of this meeting is to stimulate further collaboration in the area related to quantum cryptography, especially quantum key distribution (QKD).

As the physical implementations of QKD mature, questions of embedding of QKD devices into real security networks arise. Moreover, we have to leave the simple point-to-point connection model and take advantage of network architecture, for example using trusted nodes.

In short presentations we will give snapshots of related fundamental and applied activities at IQC. Moreover, we will give an overview over current open questions.

After the presentations, we plan an open discussion about what future directions we could tackle here in Waterloo and hope for lively participation.

Key topics include:

  • Point-to-Point Links:
  • QKD protoype linking IQC and Perimeter Institute
  • Efficient error correction near Shannon limit
  • Computational efficient privacy amplification (universal hash functions), randomizations
  • Composability of protocols
  • Trusted repeater networks:
  • Topology and routing to get independent pathes for secret sharing ideas
  • Network topology and layout optimization (cost optimization for optimal distances)
  • Network initialization: how to solve the initial authentication problem required for QKD
  • Global key management
  • Application of QKD networks:
  • What is a useful realistic embedding of QKD networks in existing security environments
  • What are smart key extension schemes: fast re-keying of AES or stream-ciphers?

Location: IQC seminar room

Time: 2:45 PM , Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Duration: Presentations ca 1h 30 min, then open discussion