Congratulations to Everett Patterson, a PhD student at Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), on receiving the 2024 Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Graduate Scholarship from the Canadian Association of Physicists.

Everett was awarded for his creative insights into the application of relativistic quantum information to determine the temperature of black holes.

Receiving the Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial scholarship is not only a recognition of my research contributions, but also serves me as a reminder of the importance of the human and social sides of academia. I hope to keep prioritizing this humanity as I continue my academic journey.

Everett Patterson, PhD student at IQC

Outside his research, Everett actively engages in academic governance, aiming to make academia more accessible. He has served on departmental and university-wide student groups, university governance, CAP's Student Advisory Council, and the Division for Theoretical Physics' executive committee.

  • Awards and grants