- Email: mbajcsy@uwaterloo.ca
- Office: QNC 4126
- Office Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 39279
- http://npqo.weebly.com/
- Admin Support: Michele Roche
Michal Bajcsy is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Quantum Computing and the Electrical and Engineering department, where he joined as assistant professor in 2014.
Bajcsy received both his PhD in Applied Physics and his Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Harvard University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
His doctoral work was done under the supervision of Mikhail Lukin and included a demonstration of stationary light pulses and studies of interactions between tightly confined cold atoms and few-photon pulses in a hollow-core photonic-crystal fiber. During his PhD time, Bajcsy also spent several years as a visiting student in the group of Vladan Vuletic at MIT. He completed his postdoctoral training in the Nanoscale and Quantum Photonics Lab of Jelena Vuckovic at Stanford University, where his research focused on experiments with solid-state cavity QED systems based on quantum dots embedded in photonic crystals.
At the University of Waterloo, he plans to work on development of scalable photonic devices and quantum optics experimental platforms based on quantum emitters – such as laser cooled atoms, quantum dots, and color centers – coupled to nanophotonic structures.
Research expertise
- Coupling of quantum emitters to nano-photonics structures
- Development of on-chip platforms for enhanced light-matter and light-light interactions
- Non-classical light sources and quantum memories based on mesoscopic ensembles of quantum emitters
- Frozen light, dark-state polaritons, and all-optical switching at extremely low light levels
- PhD, Applied Physics, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2010
- BS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Harvard University, 2001
Major positions
Title | Location | When |
Associate Professor | Institute for Quantum Computing and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo | 2020-Present |
Assistant Professor | Institute for Quantum Computing and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo | 2014-2020 |
Postdoctoral Scholar | Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University | 2010-2013 |