Sketching for Communication
Sketching, you say? Sketching? ... But I can't draw!
Sketching is one of the secret weapons of design. In this seminar we'll explore sketching as a mindset and a practice that can help anyone to better capture, develop and communicate ideas. We'll look at why sketching works and how a sketching mindset can foster collaboration and increase efficiency. We'll experiment with different techniques and we'll also dispel some myths, like the one above -- so don't worry if you 'can't draw' -- anyone can sketch!
** Please bring a sketchbook or notebook with unlined paper, and a medium-weight black marker. **
Matt Gorbet twists technology to create the unexpected. He co-founded Gorbet Design, Inc. to create unconventional objects and experiences in public spaces. These artwork and installation projects have been exhibited internationally and installed permanently in retail, hospitality and educational environments.
With his partner Susan LK Gorbet, he co-develops and delivers enablement programs in Design Thinking and Facilitation, fostering more creative and collaborative customer engagements for SAP, a global Fortune 500 software company.
Among the first graduates of the Tangible Media Group at the MIT Media Lab, Matt went on to become a member of research staff at Xerox PARC in the 1990s, where his multidisciplinary team pursued speculative design of new document genres. Matt has developed and taught Physical Computing and other design courses for the Canadian Film Centre and OCAD University. He is a senior contributor to the Living Architecture Systems Group, an international partnership of researchers exploring new models for dynamic and responsive architecture. He holds several patents on novel interaction technologies.