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The Library has signed three new agreements to cover article processing charges (APCs) for open access (OA) articles published by Waterloo researchers between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023 with Sage, PLOS Medicine and Biology, and Cogitatio Press.
Here is what this means for Waterloo researchers:
- Sage
- APCs are covered by the Library when you publish open access in over 900 Sage Choice journals
- There is also a 40% discount on APCs on over 130 Sage Gold Open Access Journals (these journals are fully OA)
- PLOS Medicine and Biology
- APCs are covered by the Library when you publish in PLOS Medicine or PLOS Biology
- Cogitatio Press
- APCs are covered by the Library when you publish in any Cogitatio Press Journal
These kinds of agreements are just one way the Library can support OA research. The Library also supports OA infrastructure by providing funding to several organizations including arXiv, SCOAP3, and the Open Library of the Humanities. As “accelerat[ing] research through a demonstrated commitment to open scholarship” is embedded in the Library’s new Strategic Plan we’ll continue to explore ways we can support open access research. More information on how to access the support listed above and other library-provided OA discounts is available on the Support for open access fees and infrastructure page.
Above image by Nick Shockey (SPARC) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License