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A 1938 Armour and Company publication on the benefits of using fresh egg whites in candy manufacturing.
Armour and Company was a Chicago-based meat packing company that sold a variety of animal-related byproducts.
Copyright 1938 Armour and Company
After six years intensive research by Armour Creameries, Powdered Fresh Egg Whites are available to confectioners and others who have been unable to use fresh or frozen egg whites in the past due to the excess moisture present in liquid egg whites, which contain about 7 pounds of moisture for each pound of solids.
One of the fundamental principles in the art of making good candy is to use as little moisture as possible. Excess moisture in confections means poor keeping qualities. In short, good candyTranscript
cannot be made without a proper balance of moisture and other ingredients. As a result liquid egg whites have never been suitable for all the requirements of the candy maker. To fill this long sought demand Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites were created.
The advent of Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites makes it possible for confectioners to produce creams, nougats, marshmallows, etc. with an aroma, flavor and texture never before obtainable. While Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites retain all of the advantages and desirable characteristics of fresh egg whites, they contain none of the confectioner’s objections to fresh egg whites. In performance Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites give all around better results than can be obtained from ordinary egg albumen.
Check the advantages and performance of Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites outlined briefly on the following pages:
Made from strictly breakfast fresh eggs
Good powdered egg whites cannot be obtained from poor eggs. No checked, cracked, storage, hatchery, or poor quality eggs ever go into Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites. They are produced only in the best poultry-raising sections of the country where large quantities of top grade eggs are available.
Scientific, sanitary handling and quick, continuous methods of manufacture not only maintain the quality of fresh eggs in Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites but make them superior even to fresh egg whites obtained from the finest fresh shell eggs for the confectioner’s purposes.
Proofs of Cloverbloom’s freshness are fresh egg aroma and flavor, and pH below 7 which insures keeping quality.
More Useable Egg White Solids
Excess moisture, excess insoluble matter, all cut down the value of ordinary egg albumen for making creams, nougats, marshmallows, etc.
The moisture content of Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites is standardized at 8.5 percent when shipped. Ordinary egg albumen contains 12 to 18 percent moisture. Cloverbloom is more completely soluble; every particle performs. Armour’s exclusive processes and modern equipment entirely eliminate any coagulated,Transcript
burnt, or otherwise damaged egg solids. Ordinary dried egg albumens contain 5 percent to 20 percent of insoluble and foreign matter.
Clean, Wholesome, Edible
Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites are almost sterile. The bacteria count is the lowest over obtained in any egg product. Have an impartial laboratory compare the bacteria count of Cloverbloom with the bacteria count of ordinary egg albumen. Have them make the same comparison of nougat cream made with each. Determine the difference for yourself. Many ordinary albumens also show contamination from iron which produced a lavender or red tinge in the finished batch. Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites are not decomposed in processing. Some decomposition invariably occurs in the fermenting processes of making ordinary egg albumen. Consequently Cloverbloom is cleaner, more wholesome, and higher in food value. It is edible in every respect, comparable to fresh egg whites from a nutritional standpoint.
Uniform, Standardized
As Cloverbloom Powdered Fresh Egg Whites are made from strictly fresh eggs by an exclusive process that requires only as many minutes as it takes days to produce ordinary egg albumen by fermentation, it is a simple matter to set up definite controls and standards to bring about uniform results and standardization. Cloverbloom not only produces maximum whipping ability with greater stability than ordinary egg albumen, but does it consistently day after day throughout the year. Every lot will give you the same high quality, the same uniform results. It does not deteriorate with age or seasons of the year. No refrigeration is required to keep it in its original prime condition. Ordinary storage away from odors and extreme heat, cold or moisture, similar to storage required by sugar. flour and other staple food products, is sufficient.