Dana Porter Library, first floor
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x42619 or x42445
Access and Privacy Policy – Literary and Historical Archives
- All researchers must present an appropriate piece of identification such as a valid library card, student card, or government issued identification.
- Researchers who wish to consult the University of Waterloo Archives should speak with a member of staff. Special Collections & Archives staff are available for any assistance needed in using our materials.
- Coats should be left at the coat stand. Lockers are available for the secure storage of bags.
- Material housed in Special Collections & Archives does not circulate and can only be used in the Doris Lewis Reading Room. Scanning is available in some circumstances.
- Each researcher is responsible for material signed out to them until it is returned to a Special Collections & Archives staff member.
- The use of pens, highlighters, or indelible pencils is not allowed. Pencils are provided for use in the reading room.
- All material must be handled with clean hands and with care. The order of files in archival collections is to be maintained. Staff will advise researchers about the appropriate way to handle the collection being consulted.
- Eating and drinking are not permitted in the reading room.
- Archives often contain personal and sensitive information. Researchers agree to treat any personal and sensitive information in accordance with university policies and provincial privacy legislation.
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the University of Waterloo Act, 1972 and is collected for the purpose of providing public service and maintaining records of researchers. Questions about this collection should be directed to Rebecka Sheffield, Head, Special Collections & Archives at: rebecka.sheffield@uwaterloo.ca. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the University, should be directed to the university’s Privacy Officer at: fippa@uwaterloo.ca.
Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.