Brad Grightmire, Niagara

Brad Grightmire, Rx2021 - Niagara

Navigating the region

I thoroughly enjoyed completing my patient care rotations in Niagara region. Niagara itself is a beautiful region,

Brad Grightmire headshot
and I was fortunate to be there with an amazing group of students. I had excellent preceptors at each of my sites, which was really beneficial for my learning experience.

There are many great attractions in the Niagara region. There are plenty of beautiful wineries to visit in the Niagara-On-The-Lake area as well as great golf courses in the region. There is also the opportunity to experience a fun and exciting downtown area with many restaurants and cafés on St. Paul Street in St. Catharines. Also, Niagara Falls is an incredible sightseeing spot, due to the famous waterfalls and parks surrounding them.

There are plenty of housing options in the region - especially in the St. Catharines and Thorold areas, which have many student housing options due to the proximity to Brock University.

My Regional Clinical Coordinator, Donnie Edwards, was fantastic in all aspects. Donnie hosted multiple educational events to help with our clinical learning. Donnie orchestrated a community service event that involved helping the homeless population of Niagara by administering COVID-19 vaccinations. Donnie recommended excellent activities to take part in throughout the region. Donnie was supportive throughout the entirety of our
clinical rotations by responding to questions and helping to facilitate our interprofessional requirements. Donnie worked tirelessly to ensure the
students of the Niagara region had a tremendous experience, and he undoubtedly succeeded!

Practice site descriptions

Niagara falls
I completed my rotations at Boggio & Edwards Ridgeway IDA, Niagara Health St. Catharines General Hospital, and Shoppers Drug Mart Lundy's Lane. In all my rotations I worked very closely with pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

Boggio & Edwards: I was fortunate to work in the same building as an optometrist. I also gained insight of the responsibilities of a pharmacy technician, including the important work involved with compliance packaging. I counselled patients on their medications, performed therapeutic checks on new prescriptions, and made recommendations to physicians through the Pharmaceutical Opinion Program.

Niagara Health - St. Catharines General Hospital: I worked with physicians, nurses, pharmacy technicians, and dieticians, which really exemplified the importance of collaborative care. I completed Best Possible Medication History's for patients and performed patient workups. Additionally, I worked with the infectious disease team learning about treating patients with antibiotics as well as antimicrobial stewardship in the hospital setting.

Shoppers Drug Mart Lundy's Lane: I worked alongside a pharmacist at all times and learned a lot of valuable information through clinical discussions.
I participated in COVID-19 vaccinations and learned about testing protocols. 

Overall, my experiences were unique at each site, which allowed me to continue learning and growing as a future pharmacist. My patient care rotations allowed me to continue developing my clinical and interpersonal skills as the importance of collaborating with others was highlighted during these experiences. My rotations also led me to improve on many of the valuable traits that a pharmacist needs including humility, empathy, and patience. I primarily used the electronic Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties, UpToDate, and Pyrls as my resources for support.

students socializing
Advice for future students

I would advise future students to not be afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone and moving to a new region that they are unfamiliar with.
Adventuring out is a great way to make new connections throughout the pharmacy profession.

Enjoy every moment of your patient care rotations! Although it is important to dedicate some time to learning to gain the most out of your rotations, remember to build connections with your peers and enjoy the experience.