Contact us


Future PharmD Students, please thoroughly read the comprehensive admissions information on the Future PharmD students webpage. If you still have an inquiry regarding admissions/applications, please email Pharmacy Admissions.

Please note: Inquiries related to admissions or applications MUST be emailed to this address. This is the fastest and only way to have your questions answered. Phone calls will be redirected to use this email address.

Future Graduate Students, please visit the Future Graduate Students webpage.


General Inquiries (excluding course/admissions), please email Pharmacy Reception.

  • Room bookings, supply orders, parking inquiries, student transportation and lockers, mail and deliveries, menstrual product program.

Current PharmD students, please visit Current PharmD Students for links and resources or reach out to your Academic Advisor.

Current CAP students, please visit Current CAP Students for links and resources or reach out to your Academic Advisor.

Pharmacy Library Inquiries, please email Pharmacy Library.