Heidi and Felix holding their awards.
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Announcing the 2020 Co-op Supervisor and Preceptor of the Year

Heidi and Felix holding their awards

Heidi and Felix holding their awards

Hundreds of pharmacists across Canada support our students as co-op supervisors and preceptors. They impact career paths and help our students realize what’s possible in the world of pharmacy. Each year, the School recognizes exceptional mentors with two awards.

The 2020 award recipients are Heidi Huang, the Outstanding Co-op Supervisor, and Boluwaji (Felix) Ogundipe, the Outstanding Preceptor.

“Co-op supervisors and preceptors are essential to our program – they serve as mentors and teachers to guide our students in their professional development” says Nancy Waite, Associate Director of Clinical Education. “Heidi and Felix are two who have gone above and beyond what’s required, ensuring that students have experiential learning experiences that help them grow, both as people and as professionals.”

Outstanding Co-op Supervisor Award Winner: Heidi Huang

Heidi Huang is a pharmacist at Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto. She’s mentored students for several years where she provides a memorable and positive learning environment.

“Heidi’s consistently approachable, empathetic, and adaptable,” says one nominator. “She demonstrates strong problem-solving skills and a passion for the pharmacy field.”

For many students, a co-op term can be their first experience in a hospital setting. Hospital pharmacy differs greatly from the community environment, and for many students, the experience can be overwhelming at first. Right from the start of term, Heidi ensures that all her students feel comfortable and know what resources are available.

“Despite our narrow therapeutic knowledge,” one student says, “Heidi made sure to give us opportunities to work with pharmacists in different hospital units to expand our clinical knowledge.”

Nominators also remarked on Heidi’s incredible empathy for patients, colleagues and students. She broached challenging topics with students, like Medical Assistance in Dying, and helped the students appreciate the sensitivity of end-of-life care.

It’s those moments of professional development and growth that Heidi cherishes:

“I believe in the importance of supporting the next generation of pharmacists and enjoy connecting with new students.  It is truly rewarding to see students grow,” she says.

Heidi also managed students through the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that her students felt safe and were up to speed on all the appropriate public health measures. The hospital faced challenges, with sick calls, redeployments, admissions and more, and Heidi effectively delegated administrative and clinical tasks among her students so they could support the pharmacy department.

“Heidi demonstrates the importance of pharmacists in healthcare and the direct impact they can have in patient care,” nominators say. “She embodies all of the characteristics that we aspire to implement in our future practice.”

The award has helped affirm Heidi’s passion for mentorship:

“I’m very touched to have won this award,” she says. “And so happy to know my students have had positive learning experiences. I’m also grateful to my amazing team who all contribute and support our students.”

Outstanding Preceptor Award Winner: Boluwaji (Felix) Ogundipe

Boluwaji Ogundipe – Felix to his friends and co-workers – is a pharmacist at Costco Pharmacy in Barrie. As a preceptor, Felix demonstrated a continued commitment to ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment at the pharmacy for both his patients and his students.

“Felix helped me navigate the transition between thinking like a student and actually applying my therapeutic knowledge in real-time situations,” says one nominator.

Mentorship is important for Felix. An internationally trained pharmacist from Nigeria in West Africa, Felix immigrated to Canada and went through the process of becoming a Canadian pharmacy practitioner.

“I had some challenges finding a preceptor,” he says, reflecting on his own journey. “This is one of the many reasons I made up my mind to become one. Preceptorship is also a way of contributing to the growth and uplifting of the profession.”

Felix helped students stay on their toes during their days at the large pharmacy by continually testing their knowledge. The engaging environment is something all nominators commented on:

“He would hand me slips of paper with pop quizzes on them,” says one student. “I got excited receiving these because it was a fun way to learn something. To this date I still use some of the clinical pearls he taught me through those pop quizzes, and that demonstrates his dedication to teaching while still maintaining a fun environment.”

Like many, Felix was in a challenging position managing students in a pandemic. Throughout, he ensured they felt supported and comfortable on rotation. Felix made his students feel appreciated in this challenging time, and he made sure that all the necessary PPE was consistently available.

“Despite the new work environment, the increased workload, and the fear of a new virus circulating, Felix made me feel very comfortable working. In fact, I believe going in to work everyday with a fun crew helped me maintain my sanity during those times,” says one nominator.

For Felix, this is a recognition not just of his effort but of his whole team:

“This would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the entire pharmacy team of Costco Pharmacy, Barrie who have made the student’s experience worthwhile,” he says.

Congratulations Heidi and Felix!