Grad student alumni and Andrea Edginton smiling on a Teams call
Friday, February 12, 2021

Hallman Director Andrea Edginton is making the rounds

Grad student alumni and Andrea Edginton smiling on a Teams call

Change is afoot at Waterloo Pharmacy. In January, Andrea Edginton, the School’s new Hallman Director began her term. The University of Waterloo announced a new Innovation Arena to be built on the Health Sciences Campus. And, of course, COVID-19 continues to impact pharmacy education.

Amid all this change, Professor Edginton is meeting with Waterloo Pharmacy alumni to connect with graduates, share her vision and understand what others see as the School’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Last week, she met with alumni of the School’s MSc and PhD programs. These students represented careers and research areas as diverse as working at Pfizer in vaccine education, completing post-doctoral positions across Canada and beyond, working in the health-tech industry in Toronto and more.

“We are a young, innovative and successful School, and we’ve been able to pivot to meet the challenges of the last year and to seize the opportunities of Canada’s evolving pharmacy and research landscape,” says Edginton. “To continue to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional programming, it’s important we pause and check-in with our community.”

The graduate studies roundtable is the first of several planned discussions between Professor Edginton and Waterloo Pharmacy alumni.