Ryan wearing PPE in a hallway with a tablet
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Running a vaccine clinic? There’s an app for that

Ryan wearing PPE in a hallway with a tablet

Ryan Tennant is interested in bridging health care and engineering. From co-op terms and research projects at Sunnybrook and Sick Kids hospitals to developing a medical device at a company in Switzerland, he’s always looking to use his biomedical engineering education to improve the world around him. 

Even so, Tennant didn’t expect that, less than a year into his PhD, he’d be launching an app for staff in COVID-19 vaccine clinics. In July, he began pilot testing the app at the Health Sciences Campus (HSC) Clinic, a regional vaccination clinic led by the Centre for Family Medicine and hosted in the University of Waterloo’s School of Pharmacy. 

With a BASc in Biomedical Engineering and a MASc in Systems Design Engineering, both from Waterloo, Tennant studies human factors engineering, a branch of the discipline that examines how tools, machines and systems are designed to reflect the capabilities and limitations of their users.
“Given my background, my co-supervisor professor Catherine Burns and I met with pharmacy professor Kelly Grindrod and Moses Tetui, her post-doc researcher,” says Tennant. “The clinic had just opened, and Kelly described some of the workflow challenges involved. I quickly saw that a human factors perspective could help support the vaccine roll-out in the region.” 
Read the full story in Waterloo News.