Waterloo Pharmacy on the Road: Sudbury and Windsor
This fall, the School of Pharmacy was back on the road making trips to Sudbury and Windsor. The visits are part of the 10th Anniversary Regional Tour which has members of the School’s leadership meeting with preceptors, co-op employers, alumni, and stakeholders across the provinces.
“The success of our program owes much to the experiential learning opportunities we provide students. These opportunities would not be possible without our partners in the health care community throughout the province,” said David Edwards, Hallman Director of the School of Pharmacy. Here’s a roundup of events:

In Sudbury, a team including David Edwards and Nancy Waite, Associate Director of Clinical Education, stopped in Sudbury where they met with partners from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM).

At NOSM, David Edwards renewed the Memorandum of Understanding between Waterloo Pharmacy and the medicine school. The above shows Dr. Roger Strasser, Founding Dean of NOSM, signing a memorandum of understanding with Hallman Director David Edwards.

Waterloo Pharmacy faculty and staff hosted roundtable discussions with alumni and pharmacists from the region, and professor Nancy Waite (above) delivered a continuing education talk sharing her research on pharmacists as immunizers.
In Windsor, the School made the last visit of the 10th anniversary tour in the Windsor region. This visit kicked off with a thank you lunch at the Chatham Kent Health Alliance, and also included another roundtable dinner in Windsor where Waterloo Pharmacy faculty and staff asked stakeholders what the School has done well in the last ten years, and where they have room to grow in the future.

Professor Sherilyn Houle (above) delivered a continuing education talk on travel health and traveller’s diarrhea to a large crowd.

The team also visited Bluewater Health where Director Dave Edwards caught up with Waterloo Pharmacy alumni and students.