Waterloo Pharmacy soccer team wins 2023 Soccer Cup
Since 2015 Waterloo Pharmacy and University of Toronto (UofT) Pharmacy have gone head to head in an annual Soccer Cup. This year, after a tie game of 4:4, Waterloo won in the penalty shootouts.

Waterloo Pharmacy soccer team holding the Soccer Cup.
“Everyone who came to support us cheered the entire game with their homemade signs attributing to our adrenaline. The positive atmosphere was so motivating and was the highlight of the game,” Claire Weaver says, society of pharmacy students (SOPhS) athletic rep.

Spectators holding signs at the Soccer Cup.
This year the roster included 20 pharmacy students across all four cohorts. Congratulations to all the members of the soccer team!
- Angad Bains (Rx2023)
- Charles Couture (Rx2026)
- Claire Weaver (Rx2024)
- Daniel Botros (Rx2026)
- Daniela Patitucci (Rx2026)
- David D’Souza (Rx2026)
- David Stewart (Rx2024)
- Ethan Foster (Rx2024)
- Jasleen Dev (Rx2025)
- Joe Abdelnour (Rx2024)
- Julian Moussa (Rx2026)
- Justyna Labib (Rx2026)
- Maher Jibrini (Rx2023)
- Matthew MacLean (Rx2026)
- Mina Habib (Rx2025)
- Pierre Wadeie (Rx2026)
- Ramzy Shaker (Rx2023)
- Sharan Rasan (Rx2026)
- Steven Saleeb (Rx2026)
- Viktoria Cubelic (Rx2025)
“We spend so much time studying that having an event like this to look forward to brings us together. Winning the game this year was exciting! It really helped us believe in ourselves and our capabilities as a team and as a School,” Weaver says.
"Special thanks to all the athletic reps and everyone involved in this event. Senior players stepped up to guide the team and took on captain and coach roles, while the new players brought new energy to the team."