Congratulating the 2021 Outstanding Co-op Supervisor and Outstanding Preceptor of the Year award winners

Sukhmani Sethi and Vishal Acharya holding their awards. (Photo credit: Kamaljit Bedi and Madeleine Carrigan)
Across Canada, hundreds of pharmacists serve as co-op supervisors and preceptors who are essential to our program. By supporting our experiential learning program, mentors help students experience real-world situations that impact and inspire their career paths.
Each year the School of Pharmacy recognizes exceptional mentors, nominated by the students, through the Outstanding Co-op Supervisor award and the Outstanding Preceptor of the Year award. Join us in congratulating the 2021 recipients, Sukhmani Sethi and Vishal Acharya!
“Preceptors are a very important part of our program,” says Andrea Edginton, Hallman Director School of Pharmacy. “These awards recognize supervisors who provide an exemplary learning environment and demonstrate a commitment to teaching our students, while employing an enthusiastic model of professionalism and patience.”
Outstanding Co-op Supervisor Award Winner: Sukhmani Sethi
Sukhmani Sethi, Waterloo Pharmacy Rx2016 alum, was a pharmacist at LMC Healthcare in Brampton, Ontario at the time of this award recognition.
“During my time at LMC Pharmacy, Sukhmani empowered me to speak to patients as a pharmacist, not just a student,” one nominator says.
For many students, co-op work terms are their first exposure to real-world career settings. The experiences are challenging and can be intimidating, and a great supervisor can make all the difference. Nominators agree that Sukhmani goes above and beyond her duties to empower students to assume responsibilities, building confidence as they do.
The co-op program is important to Sethi as she remembers her student experiences. She encourages her students to ask questions, big or small, even when their co-op work term ends.
I was a student just like them and I had such amazing preceptors that have had such a lasting impression in my learning journey. I always thought to myself – one day I want to be a preceptor and be involved with students.
Sethi’s nominators say they view her not only as a mentor, but as a colleague and friend. They recognized the time she took to introduce them to interprofessional team members, including endocrinologists, dietitians, nurses and research team members, ensuring the student had plently of networking opportunities during their term.
“She has always encouraged me to take on more difficult and complex cases so that I can learn more, even if it meant she would have to spend more time coaching me on the subject,” states one nominator.
Although she no longer works in the clinical sector, Sethi will continue to help co-op students grow and learn.
“Thank you to the Waterloo School of Pharmacy – receiving this award warms my heart”, she says. “I encourage students to take advantage of all the learning opportunities available.”
Outstanding Preceptor of the Year Award Winner: Vishal Acharya
As the owner of a small and fast-growing independent pharmacy, Lancaster Wellness Pharmacy in Kitchener, Ontario, Vishal Acharya always makes time to mentor students. Vishal achieved his PharmD in 2010 from Ohio Northern University. It was through his clinical rotations that he saw value in his past mentors: “I learned so much from them and incorporated their teachings in my work today,” he says.
Acharya always knew he wanted to own his own pharmacy someday and from the beginning wanted to teach students. Upon opening his pharmacy in 2017, he made sure to welcome a co-op student to the team.
“Vishal teaches and mentors his students with his own experiences from practice and understands what it is like to be a student,” says one nominator. “Even the most critical feedback is given in such a way that it is not defeating or disheartening, but motivating and inspires you to do better. Lancaster Wellness is a family, and I felt welcome since day one.”
As a preceptor, Acharya loves to see students build on what they learn and views students as a key part of his team. He says they bring fresh new ideas, ask tough questions and are always updated on the lastest technology, which in turn makes him a better pharmacist.
I appreciate the students because they teach me so much.
Acharya knows firsthand that experiential learning is beneficial to both the mentor and mentee, as they share knowledge and grow together.
Nominators all agreed that Vishal gave them many opportunities to provide meaningful patient care.
“One day I truly aspire to operate my own store to the standard that Vishal holds his store to. If I can be just a fraction of the pharmacist that he is, I would consider that a success,” a nominator states.
“I am honored and excited to receive this award,” Acharya says. “Thank you to the school for giving me this opportunity to be a preceptor.”
Congratulations Sukhmani and Vishal!