Outstanding Co-op Supervisor Award

Last updated: August 19, 2024

Award Description

This annual award is sponsored by the School of Pharmacy to recognize an outstanding co-operative education supervisor for the critical role they play in the education of next generation of pharmacists.

Nominees must be co-op supervisors who provide an exemplary learning environment and demonstrate a commitment to teach.  Nominees should employ an enthusiastic model of professionalism with patients, students, health care professionals, and other stakeholders.  

Who is eligible?

Any co-op supervisor who has supervised a University of Waterloo, School of Pharmacy co-op student in the 2024 calendar year.

How can I nominate my Co-op Supervisor?

Students may nominate their co-op supervisor by completing this online form. Please note: Nominations for the Spring 2024 work term will be accepted until September 9, 2024.

Who selects the Outstanding Co-op Supervisor Award?  

A subcommittee of the School of Pharmacy Experiential Team will review nominations and identify the candidates that best fit the award criteria. These nominees will be provided to the School of Pharmacy Awards Committee for final award winner selection.

When is the award presented?

The Outstanding Co-op Supervisor Award will be presented at a reception hosted by the School of Pharmacy.