Community Service Learning (CSL) is a milestone (a mandatory non-course degree requirement) in the PharmD program. There are three phases to this milestone. To progress through the phases, students are expected to demonstrate at least minimal competence in each component. The phases must be completed in order.

1: Preperation
The primary goal of the preparation phase is to prepare students to take full advantage of the learning opportunities inherent in community work. In this phase, students will participate in preparation workshops and set personal learning goals.

2: Action
The primary goal of the action phase is to be of service. In this phase, students will engage in activities that benefit those in need in our community, or who are from a vulnerable population. Students will be able to choose from a list of approved projects / opportunities or they may create their own. In either case, the activities must advance the students’ approved learning goals.

3: Application
The primary goal of the application phase is to connect experience in the community with personal goals and professional identity. Students will review their individual learning goals in light of service activities and will submit a final project demonstrating insights.
CSL enables students to better understand their role in serving vulnerable populations and in improving community health and wellness. Through this interaction, pharmacy students add to their own knowledge of various socio-economic factors that impact health and look for ways to improve services, structures and systems to alleviate differences in health outcomes between groups.
Achievement of the CSL milestone is a requirement for graduation.
A coordinator is in place to provide support and resources to assist students and to balance the learning goals of the students with the needs of the community.
Community Service-Learning is a model of experiential learning that combines classroom learning with volunteer work designed to achieve community goals and to instill in students a sense of civic engagement.