Use public transit
Try taking the bus, ION, or train for longer trips instead of your personal vehicle.
Benefits: Reduces emissions, saves money

Plan ahead to compare your options
Employees have access to the TravelWise platform for trip planning, where you can compare trips by time, distance, cost, emissions, and even calories burned.
Benefits: Saves money

Bundle trips
Set aside time to run multiple errands at once.
Benefits: Reduces the amount of trips needed and saves money

Use active transportation
Try walking, cycling, or another active mode for short trips and errands for the added bonus of boosting physical health!
Benefits: Promotes good health from physical activity, reduces emissions, saves money

Consider an electric vehicle
Before your next vehicle purchase, consider an electric or hybrid-electric vehicle to save on gas and emissions.
Benefits: Reduces emissions, saves money through low/no gas consumption

Try carsharing
Borrow from a selection of vehicles only when you need it.
Benefits: Access to vehicles when you need it, range of vehicles available
Map of greenspaces near the School of Pharmacy
Tree 1: Victoria Park
15 minute walk from School
Tree 2: Mount Hope Cemetery
10 minute walk from school
Waterloo Park
10 minute ride from School on ION (LRT)
Spur Line Trail
Access point 10 minute walk from School
Iron Horse Trail
Access point 15 minute walk from school
Star: The School of Pharmacy