The Philosophy Department deeply appreciates the extensive social, moral, and financial support we receive from outside the university.
Some of this support comes from alumni and Professors Emeriti, who continue to be involved in the life of our Department through attendance at colloquia, through scholarly relationships with faculty and current students, and through financial generosity. Other support comes from community members who are not alumni, but who value the study and practice of philosophy at the University of Waterloo, and who support us through personal and social relationships and through much needed material and financial assistance.
The designation of Friends of the Philosophy Department is our way of publicly recognizing and honouring the leadership and generosity that some members of the community have shown towards the Department and its students. We are extremely grateful for the extensive and sustained support we get from the Friends of the Department.
Nominations for Friends are put forward by faculty members. Neither current faculty nor Emeriti are eligible for this special designation. All current faculty members donate extra time and money to the Department, and our retired colleagues number among our most generous supporters – again, not only in financial terms, but in intellectual and organizational contributions. We consider all current and retired colleagues to be invaluable supporters of the Department.
Your involvement as alumni, whether participating in events, speaking to our current students or making a financial investment in Waterloo Arts, is critical to helping Waterloo achieve our goals. Without your engagement and support, we couldn’t continue to push boundaries, make new discoveries and redefine the cutting edge.
If you're a graduate of the Philosophy department, please take a moment and let us know what you've been doing. It's very helpful for us when advising current Philosophy students to know what former students have been doing since graduation.