alpha-RuCl3: a progress report
Quantum Matters Seminar Series
Young-June Kim, University of Toronto
Young-June Kim, University of Toronto
Join Samantha Lange and come and learn about what conferences are and what they're primarily for as well as their formats, with more information on how to manage anxiety, exhaustion, and making the best of your time as an undergraduate student.
I hear it all the time: ‘to improve the recruitment and advancement of women and minorities in STEM, we need to change department culture. But I’m not hearing people discuss what department culture actually is. How can we assess, improve, or navigate a thing we don’t know?
The field of machine learning has witnessed unprecedented growth and has been increasingly adopted by various industries to automate and optimize decision-making processes. In this presentation, we will explore the fundamental concepts and techniques in machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning.
Speaker: Fabian Grusdt, LMU Munich
PHYS 10 Town Hall
A talk by Dr. Natasha Holmes
Ann S. Bowers
Assistant Professor in Physics Education Research at Cornell University
Landau-Zener tunneling, which describes the transitions in a two-level system during the passage through an anti-crossing, is a model applicable to a wide range of physical phenomena. Dissipation due to coupling between the system and environment is an important factor in determining the transition rates. Using a superconducting tunable capacitively shunted flux qubit, we observe the crossover from weak to strong coupling to the environment.
Traditionally, the properties of bulk materials such as elastic moduli or plasticity have been understood from the characteristic scales and symmetries of underlying ordered structures, e.g., atomic crystals or colloidal lattices. However, disordered materials, such as glasses or granular media, have great untapped potential: they can exist in a multitude of metastable states that are distinguished by their microstructure.
21 cm cosmology promises to become a revolutionary new 3D probe of our universe. With it, we can uncover the astrophysics of the "Cosmic Dawn"—the era of the first stars and galaxies—and test our standard model of cosmology with exquisite precision. Realizing the potential of 21 cm cosmology requires overcoming considerable challenges; the 21 cm signal from neutral hydrogen is buried under astrophysical foregrounds that are orders of magnitude brighter.