
Please visit our Undergraduate Award Winners website for a list of our award winners.

There are a variety of scholarships available to current students. A full list can be found by searching the undergraduate awards database or external award opportunities list. 

Physics & Astronomy Scholarships

Shiloh Brawn Award for Women in Physics

An award, valued up to $4,000, will be presented annually to a full-time female undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four of any program in the Department of Physics & Astronomy in the Faculty of Science, wherein women are underrepresented. Selection is based on academic excellence (minimum 75% cumulative average) and extra-curricular involvement. Preference will be given to students making an effort to advance women in science (e.g., involvement in FemPhys Club, or Women in Science Society, etc.) and/or who have completed an Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA). Interested students should submit an application by October 15. This fund is made possible by a donation from the Brawn family in honour of their daughter and to encourage women pursuing an education in STEM. 

Destination Physics Scholarship

A scholarship, valued at up to $3,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four in the Department of Physics & Astronomy in the Faculty of Science, on the basis of academic excellence (minimum 80% cumulative average). This fund is made possible by donations from alumni and friends of the Department of Physics & Astronomy.

Glyn Reesor Prize

A prize of approximately $400 in honour of Dr. Reesor is awarded annually to the third-year Physics student who obtains the highest mark in PHYS391/PHYS392. 

Helen Sawyer Hogg Scholarship in Astronomy

A scholarship, valued at $500, is awarded annually in honour of Professor Helen Sawyer Hogg, a pre-eminent Canadian astronomer and inaugural chair of the Faculty of Science Foundation. Third- or fourth-year honours students enrolled in the Faculty of Science in a program leading to graduate work in Astronomy who have achieved an overall average of 80% are eligible. Candidates are nominated by the Faculty and interviewed by a selection committee.

I.R. Dagg Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Ian Ralph Dagg (1928-1993) came to the University of Waterloo in 1959 and served the University and the Physics Department for thirty-four years, finally as Chair of the Department from 1988 until his death in 1993. An endowment fund has been established to provide two scholarships, valued at $1,000 each. These scholarships will be awarded to full-time students who have completed the third year of an Honours Physics degree program with cumulative and Year Three averages of at least 85%. The recipients of these scholarships will also have demonstrated leadership qualities through participation in extracurricular activities.

Mike Lazaridis Scholarship in Theoretical Physics

A scholarship has been established to honour Mike Lazaridis, in recognition of his leadership as Chancellor of the University of Waterloo from 2003 to 2009. It will be awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy who demonstrates an interest in conducting theoretical research in Physics and/or Astrophysics. The recipient will receive fully-paid tuition in their 4A and 4B study terms and a paid one-term internship following 3B at Perimeter Institute in Waterloo.

Donna Strickland Scholarship in Physics & Astronomy

Up to two scholarships, valued at $2,000 each, are awarded annually to the top students in any program in the Departments of Physics and Astronomy.

Faculty of Science Scholarships

Don E. Brodie Scholarship In Science

This scholarship is awarded to the full-time first-year Science student who earns the highest weighted average in the Fall Term Year One Honours Physics course and laboratory. The award honours the Dean of Science at the time of the creation of the Faculty of Science Foundation.

Faculty of Science Foundation G.F. Atkinson Citizenship Award

The Faculty of Science Foundation provides this award for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science who have made contributions that enhance the quality of life for students in Science within the University of Waterloo or the Waterloo community. Four awards of $250 are granted in each of the Fall and Winter terms.

Faculty of Science Upper-Year Scholarships

A limited number of upper-year scholarships in varying amounts are made available each year. Scholarships are based on academic achievement in the previous year. These scholarships are supported through donations from faculty, staff, and retirees to the Senate Scholarship Fund.

Richard Vollans Science Leadership Award

An award, valued at $1,000, will be presented annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Science who has demonstrated their volunteerism and leadership in science recruitment and/or outreach activities. This fund is made possible by an initial donation from Dr. Mario Coniglio and several colleagues and friends to honour the numerous contributions that Richard Vollans made to the Faculty of Science as the Recruitment and Marketing Coordinator from 2005 until his sudden passing in 2011.

Science Distinguished Alumni of Honour Award

An award, valued up to $1,000, will be presented annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Four in the Faculty of Science. The recipient will be selected based on an overall average of 75% or greater, extracurricular involvement, and demonstrated leadership. Interested students should submit an application by the deadline. This fund is made possible by donations from the recipients of the 50 Alumni of Honour Award winners.

Science Memorial Scholarships

These scholarships honour deceased students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the Faculty of Science. Awards are made, as funds permit, to undergraduate students at any level in the Faculty on the basis of academic achievement.