The Ambassador of France to Canada, Mr. Michel Miraillet presented Strickland with the insignia of Knight of the Legion of Honour at the French Embassy. It is France's highest honour and was established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte. It rewards outstanding merit acquired in the service of France.
This award symbolizes the French Republic’s recognition of Strickland’s exceptional career, her commitment to scientific culture, but also the recognition of an example of the many fruitful scientific partnerships between France and Canada, in her exceptional work with the French Gérard Mourou.
"When it comes to science, I believe our two countries share a deep commitment to a variety of topics," said Ambassador Michel Miraillet. "The first one – and the most important one – is the dedication to ethical, globalized and open science. Let’s remind us that France and Canada scientific papers are produced collectively, involving multiple international partners. The outstanding work made by Gérard Mourou and yourself is only an example of what French-Canadian research has output. I am truly convinced there will be more to come, as much as I am dedicated to make it happen."
Congratulations Donna!