Welcome to Pure Mathematics
We are home to 30 faculty, four staff, approximately 60 graduate students, several research visitors, and numerous undergraduate students. We offer exciting and challenging programs leading to BMath, MMath and PhD degrees. We nurture a very active research environment and are intensely devoted to both ground-breaking research and excellent teaching.
Two Pure Math professors win Outstanding Performance Awards
The awards are given each year to faculty members across the University of Waterloo who demonstrate excellence in teaching and research.
Pure Math PhD student wins Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching
The award ($1000), which is given to up to four recipients annually, recognizes excellence in teaching by students, including intellectual vigour, skill in communication and presentation of subject matter, and concern for the needs of students.
Spring 2023 Graduands
Congratulations to Clement Wan, MMath and Eric Boulter, PhD, who convocated in Spring 2023. Best of luck in your future endeavours!
Pure Math Department Colloquium
Daniel Gromada, Czech Technical University
A brief introduction to quantum symmetries
In this talk, I would like to explain the concept of a quantum symmetry. We will focus on symmetries of simple combinatorial objects like finite sets and graphs. This can be approached either from the viewpoint of quantum groups or via diagrammatic categories. I will try to explain how drawing simple string diagrams can reveal interesting findings about quantum symmetries of certain objects.
MC 5501
Number Theory Seminar
Krishnarjun Krishnamoorthy, BIMSA
Moments of non-normal number fields
Let K be a number field and a_K(m) be the number of integral ideals in K of norm equal to m. We asymptotically evaluate the sum \sum_{m\leqslant X} a_K^l(m) as X grows to infinity. We also consider the continuous moments of the associated Dedekind zeta function and prove lower bounds of the expected order of magnitude.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Catherine St-Pierre, University of Waterloo
Sheppard-Todd-Chevalley theorem (and beyond)
Sheppard-Todd-Chevalley's theorem is one of the most significant results in invariant theory. It provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the fixed subring k[x_1, \dots , x_n]^G under a finite subgroup G of GL_n(k) to be a polynomial ring. We will review the theorem and its applications and summarise some generalisations.
MC 5479