Faculty Salary Settlement Agreement

Friday, April 19, 2024

A message from Christine McWebb, Associate Vice-President, Faculty Planning and Policy, and Chief negotiator for the University and Kate Rybczynski, Associate Professor, Departments of Economics, and Chief negotiator for FAUW

The University and FAUW are now able to share with you that compensation negotiations for the term of May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2027 have concluded.

The University and FAUW agreed to Arbitration (Final Offer Selection) as per the Memorandum of Agreement section 10.8 and the hearing was held on March 25, 2024. Final response briefs were submitted April 8,2024 and the arbitrator, Kevin Burkett, decision is now available on FAUW and the Provost's websites.

The final award is as follows:

Salary Scale Increases

2024-25: 4.7% (comprising 3.9% projected inflation plus an additional 0.8%)
2025-26: 3.6% (comprising 2.8% projected inflation plus an additional 0.8%)
2026-27: 2.2% (plus an automatic scale reopener with the current MOA dispute resolution mechanism)

Floors, Thresholds, SIUs

For the first year (2024), the salary floors, thresholds T1 and T2, for all ranks will be increased by 3% in addition to the annual scale change.


The University shall recommend to the Pension & Benefits Committee (P&Bthe introduction of a new benefit in the form of a Health Care Spending Account (“HCSA”) in the amount of $300 per 12 months for each faculty member, actively employed on or after 1 May 2025, which is the date when the benefit becomes active.

Salary adjustments will be applied retroactively to May 1, 2024.

The FAUW negotiation team has drafted a statement on 2024 salary negotiations with more details of the Award and the process.

We thank the community for their support and patience.

Please reach out to communications@uwaterloo.ca or fauw@uwaterloo.ca if you have any questions.