Analysis Seminar

Thursday, March 14, 2024 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Roberto Hernandez Palomares, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

"C* Quantum Dynamics"

A subfactor is a unital inclusion of simple von Neumann algebras, which can be presented as a non-commutative dynamical system governed by a tensor category. Popa established that in ideal scenarios, dynamical data is a strong invariant for hyperfinite subfactors. These reconstruction results in a way give an equivariant version of Connes' classification for amenable factors. On the topological side, after the recent culmination of the classification program for amenable C*-algebras, whether there is an analogue of Popa's Reconstruction results is not clear. In this talk, I will describe the transfer of subfactor techniques to C*-algebras, introducing the largest class of inclusions of C*-algebras admitting a quantum dynamical invariant akin to subfactors. Examples include the cores of Cuntz algebras, certain semicircular systems, and crossed products by actions of tensor categories. Time allowing, we will discuss some interactions with the C* classification program. This is based on joint work with Brent Nelson.

This seminar will be held both online and in person: