Analysis Seminar

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, University of Tokyo

Subfactors, quantum 6j-symbols and alpha-induction

Tensor categories have found many applications in physics and mathematics, particularly quantum field theory and condensed matter physics in recent years, as a new type of symmetry generalizing a classical notion of a group. Operator algebras give useful and efficient tools to study tensor categories. A fusion category, a tensor category with certain finiteness condition, is characterized by a finite set of complex numbers satisfying certain compatibility condition, called quantum 6j-symbols. Its variant, called bi-unitary connections, has played an important role in the Jones theory of subfactors in operator algebras. We have a tensor functor called alpha-induction for a braided fusion category, as a quantum version of a classical machinery of an induced representation for a subgroup. We describe alpha-induction in the framework of quantum 6j-symbols from a viewpoint of being of a canonical form.

MC 4042

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