Dicle Mutlu, McMaster University
Residually Dominated Groups
A dominated type refers to a type that is controlled by its restriction to certain sorts in the language. The concept was first introduced as stable domination for algebraically closed valued fields by Haskell, Hrushovski, and Macpherson, and was later extended to residue field domination in henselian fields of equicharacteristic zero in various studies. In the algebraically closed case, Hrushovski and Rideau-Kikuchi applied stable domination in the group setting, introducing stably dominated groups to study interpretable groups and fields in the theory. In this talk, we extend the notion of stably dominated groups to residually dominated groups in henselian fields of equicharacteristic zero, discussing how, in this setting, domination can be witnessed by a group homomorphism. This is joint work with Paul Z. Wang.
MC 5479