Special Colloquium
Xuemiao Chen, University of Maryland
"Singularities of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections"
Xuemiao Chen, University of Maryland
"Singularities of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections"
Lara Ismert, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
"Quantum graphs and their infinite path spaces"
**NOTE NEW TIME: 3:00 pm**
Siddharth Mathur, Mittag-Leffler Institute
"Global structure results in algebraic geometry"
It is a classical result that any smooth manifold can be embedded into Euclidean space. However, the analogous statement is false in the algebraic setting. Indeed, there are many varieties which cannot be embedded in Euclidean (or even projective) space!
Jamie Mingo, Queen's University
"Non-crossing Partitions and the Infinitesimal Law of Real Wishart Random Matrices"
Derek Harland, University of Leeds
"Skyrmions, instantons, and the spin-orbit force"
Priyanga Ganesan, Texas A&M University
"Spectral bounds for chromatic number of quantum graphs"
Kateryna Tatarko, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"On the unique determination of ellipsoids"
Daren Cheng, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Incompressible minimal surfaces and topological consequences of positive scalar curvature (Part 3)"
Padraig Daly, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Quantum Data Compression"
A look at how Shannon entropy and Von Neumann entropy are used to quantify information from classical/quantum sources. In particular Schumacher's quantum source coding theorem will be discussed.
Zoom link: https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/j/95669082908?pwd=L0NhbVZBakFGQXUycUZka01CL2lsQT09
Dennis The, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
"A Cartan-theoretic classification of multiply-transitive (2,3,5)-distributions"