Analysis Seminar
Brent Nelson, Michigan State University
"Free Stein Dimension"
Brent Nelson, Michigan State University
"Free Stein Dimension"
Daniel Fadel, Peking University
"Asymptotics of finite energy monopoles on AC 3-manifolds"
Brady Ali Medina, University of Waterloo
"Rank-2 odd degree moduli spaces of co-Higgs bundles"
This talk will be a continuation of my previous talk, we are going to show how the smooth moduli space of rank-2, odd-degree co-Higgs bundles can be interpreted as a kind of universal elliptic curve.
Zoom meeting:
Daren Cheng, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Incompressible minimal surfaces and topological consequences of positive scalar curvature (Part 2)"
Boyu Li, University of Waterloo and University of Windsor
"Zappa-Szep product, self-similar action, and equivalent groupoids"
Nicolas Banks, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"ABC Conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem for Polynomials"
John Huerta, University of Lisbon
"Bundle gerbes on Lie supergroups"
Catherine St-Pierre, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
"An Introduction + Connexion to Algebraic Geometry"
Samuel Harris, Texas A&M University
"Applications of graph coloring games to quantum automorphism groups"
Gromov-Witten invariants play an essential role in mirror symmetry and enumerative geometry. Despite this, there are few effective tools for computing Gromov-Witten invariants of blow-ups. Blow-ups of X can be rewritten as subvarieties of Grassmann bundles over X. In joint work with Tom Coates and Wendelin Lutz, we exploit this fact and extend the abelian/non-abelian correspondence, a modern tool in Gromov-Witten theory. Combining these two steps allows us to get at the genus 0 invariants of a large class of blow-ups.