How do I opt-out of optional or voluntary fees?

Woman filling in a form on a computer
  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Finances tile.
    Finances tile in Quest.
  3. Select the Optional Fees link on the left.
    Optional Fees tab in Quest.
  4. Select the Term that has Available as a Status. Note: The Last Submitted Date/Time displays the last time you submitted opt-out selections for this term; it will be blank if you have not yet done so.
    Term Summary status in Quest.
  5. On this screen, you will see: 1) type of fee, 2) fee amount, 3) end date (the deadline to change your opt-out selections for that fee during this term), and 4) description of the fee. If choosing to opt-out of a fee, check the box in the "Opt-out?" column beside that fee. Once you have completed making your opt-out selections, select Next.
    Optional Fees list in Quest.
    Voluntary Fees list in Quest.
  6. The Student Optional Fees Confirmation page will summarize the fees you have selected to opt-out of for the term. You may select Back to make changes to your selection or Submit to proceed with your selection.
    Confirmation page with submit and back buttons in Quest.
  7. Select OK to go to your Account Summary.
    Submission message in Quest.
  8. Select the Term to see your updated student bill.
    Updated Account Summary in Quest.

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