RoboHub researchers investigating whether robots can be used to help level the playing field for children with disabilities

Monday, February 8, 2021

Professor Kerstin Dautenhahn, the Canada 150 Research Chair in Intelligent Robotics, and her team at the Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Laboratory (SIRRL) are investigating how social robots can be used to help ensure all children enjoy playing games and sports, regardless of their abilities.

Close-up of the University of Waterloo's Pepper robot

“I really believe social robots can make a positive contribution to society,” says Dautenhahn, a member of the RoboHub's core research team. “I see how children respond to robots. I see the smiles on their faces, the laughing and excitement. I know we are on the right track. I want to use robots so children can not only learn but also have fun and play with others in ways that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.”

Read the full article here.