Adjunct Assistant Professor

Prof. Hashemi collaborates with RoboHub on human-robot interaction and distributed navigation projects. Their research targets
- Inverse optimal control problems for exoskeleton controls towards natural walking; and
- Utilizing advanced autonomous mobile systems to develop innovative and computationally efficient localization, motion planning, and control solutions in uncertain environments for direct industrial applications.
Prediction and state estimation of the dynamic objects in such environments is also being evaluated using state-of-the-art perception systems of the mobile robots at RoboHub. In the past, this has included embedding his students at the RoboHub to perform experimental validation for visual-inertial navigation of autonomous mobile Jackal systems through collaborations between the NODE lab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Stuttgart, and the University of Waterloo.
See Professor Hashemi's faculty profile or the NODE Lab website for more details about his work outside the RoboHub.