
Welcome to the homepage of University of Waterloo, Faculty of Science 2+2 Undergraduate Collaborative Educational Programs.

Students interested in joining the program should register on the Information sign-up form and contact the international office of their home university to register.

A student is doing chemistry lab

  1. Sep. 28, 2023Fall 2023 Science 2+2 info Session and Renison English Test

    The Science 2+2 information session this fall is scheduled online 8:30-10:00pm on Oct.17 (Tuesday; Beijing Time). More information about the information session can found at  Science 2+2 Info Session.

  2. Oct. 13, 2022Fall 2022 Renison English Test

    The Renison English Test for Science 2+2 applicants is scheduled online from Oct. 27, 2022 to Nov. 9, 2022. Detailed information can be found in Renison English Test. Please contact the international office of your home institution to find out the specific time when you can write the test online at your home institution.

  3. Oct. 15, 2021Fall 2021 Renison English Test

    The Renison English test for Science 2+2 applicants is scheduled online from Oct. 28, 2021 to Nov. 10, 2021. Dedailed information can be found in Renison English Test 2021 Fall. Please do contact the international office of your home insititution to find out the specific time when you can write the test online at your home insititution.

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  1. July 22, 20242024 Science 2+2 Welcome Reception

    Faculty of Science will be hosting an in-person reception on campus at 4:30- 5:30 PM, July 22, 2024.  Food and drinks will be provided. Check-in is required. This event is a welcome for the new Science 2+2/2+1+1 students who just arrived at the University of Waterloo to start their journey here. Join us to meet your peers, faculty members and staff who have been teaching and supporting you. Share your experiences and make new connections!  

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