2023-24 Honours Biomedical Sciences Recommended Course Sequence
Note: Notes and elective recommendations notes are listed after Year 4.
Year 1
- BIOL 130, BIOL 130L
- CHEM 120, CHEM 120L
- PHYS 111, PHYS 111L or PHYS 121, PHYS 121L
- Two electives (1.0 unit)
- BIOL 239
- CHEM 123, CHEM 123L
- MATH 127
- One of ENGL 193 or COMMST 193
- One elective (0.5 unit)
Year 2
- BIOL 201
- BIOL 240, BIOL 240L
- BIOL 273
- CHEM 266, CHEM 266L
- One elective (0.5 unit)
- BIOL 241
- BIOL 373, BIOL 373L
- CHEM 237, CHEM 237L
- STAT 202
- One program elective (0.5 unit)
Year 3
- BIOL 302
- One BIOL elective 300- or 400-level (0.5 unit)
- One science elective 300- or 400-level (0.5 unit)
- One program elective (0.5 unit)
- One elective (0.5 unit)
Year 4
- Two BIOL 4xx electives (1.0 unit)
- One science 3xx/4xx elective (0.5 unit)
- Two electives (1.0 unit)
- Two BIOL 4xx electives (1.0 unit)
- One science 3xx/4xx elective (0.5 unit)
- Two electives (1.0 unit)
- A minimum of 2.5 elective units must be 400-level, of which 2.0 units must be BIOL units.
- The represented sequencing of all elective types is suggestive only and can be taken in a different order, and different term, than what is shown, depending on the elective chosen, its term of offering and required requisites.
Elective Recommendation Notes
- BIOL 361 is a recommended elective.
- BIOL elective units must be chosen from: BIOL 309, BIOL 331, BIOL 335L, BIOL 341, BIOL 348L, BIOL 354, BIOL 355/GERON 355, BIOL 359, BIOL 361, BIOL 365, BIOL 414, BIOL 434, BIOL 439, BIOL 441, BIOL 442, BIOL 444, BIOL 449, BIOL 465, BIOL 469, BIOL 472, BIOL 473, BIOL 476, BIOL 499A, 499B of which 2.0 units of chosen BIOL electives must be 400-level.
- Program elective units must be chosen from: ANTH 204, ANTH 222/GSJ 232, CS 200, ENGL 209, HIST 209, HLTH 101, HLTH 102, HLTH 320/GERON 320, HLTH 340, HLTH 341, KIN 407, KIN 301, KIN 308, KIN 312, KIN 343, MATH 128, PSYCH 101/PSYCH 101R, PSYCH 261, SDS 150R, SOC 101/SOC 101R, SOC 248, SOC 249/LS 226, one of: PHIL 121, PHIL 215/ARBUS 202, PHIL 218J, PHIL 219J, PHIL 221, PHIL 224, PHIL 226, PHIL 227/INDEV 300, PHIL 319J, PHIL 321J
Suggested Science electives include: BIOL 165, BIOL 211 or any course listed in the required Biology elective unit list; CHEM 140, CHEM 220, CHEM 254, CHEM 267, CHEM 267L, CHEM 333, CHEM 357, CHEM 430, CHEM 433; EARTH 121, EARTH 122, EARTH 281, EARTH 336/BIOL 360; PHYS 112, PHYS 112L, PHYS 225, PHYS 280/BIOL 280, PHYS 380, PHYS 383, PHYS 395, PHYS 396, PHYS 491