Students are strongly encouraged to make use of the following resources, workshops and/or courses to learn how to successfully gather, summarize and cite published information, write in their own words and avoid an allegation of plagiarism under Policy 71 - Student Discipline:
On-campus support
- Meet with a Writing and Communication Centre writing specialist by booking an appointment or attending a drop-in at the Library
- Attend one or more Writing Centre workshops, such as 'Improve Your Lab Report Writing', ‘Clarity in Scientific Writing’ or 'Writing Clarity: Revising, editing, and proofreading your work'
- Utilize the assistance of the liaison librarians as needed:
- Biology: Brie McConnell
- Chemistry: Kathy Szigeti
- Earth and Environmental Sciences: Ryan Ball
- Physics: Rebecca Hutchinson
- Complete one of the following writing intensive courses:
- EMLS 129R: Written Academic English
- ENGL 109: Introduction to Academic Writing
- ENGL 140R: The Use of English
Online resources
- Use the Library's Assignment Planner
- Writing Works: a concise, interactive resource addressing basic grammar and punctuation issues, and report writing
- Take advantage of WriteOnline resources for writing case study reports, reflective essays or lab reports
- Biology Research Guide: guides for searching for information effectively and key resources
- APA style guide
- Manchester Phrasebank: useful phrases for academic writing
- Visit the Library's resource for citation formats
- Consult the Office of Academic Integrity's guidelines for using Turnitin
- Review the Faculty of Science Academic policies and procedures web pages